Hiring a Grant Writer : Tips To Help

Are you an individual, small business owner, or non-profit organization member who wants to seek government help? Depending on your need for the money, you may get help from government grants. Each year, billions of dollars are given to individuals, small business owners, local governments, school districts, colleges and universities, and non-profit organizations. Government grants have a purpose, which is typically to improve the economy, the environment, or health of Americans. If your purpose for needing money ties into one of these goals, you may be a qualified candidate for a government grant.
Although you may be a qualified candidate for a government grant, there is no guarantee you will get the money. In fact, the chances are small. For example, there are grants offered that involve youth violence. These grants are designed to monitor youth violence, develop a pattern, and work on a solution for solving it. Youth violence is a significant problem in many areas of the United States, not just large, well-known cities. State, county, and local governments, colleges, non-profit organizations, and even small business owners all across the country are influenced by youth violence and want to solve the problem. For that reason, this type of grant could easily receive thousands of proposals.
Speaking of grant proposals, they are what the grantor uses to determine the winner of the money. Some grantors use standard applications and others request full written grant proposals. This often requires you to explain in detail why you are deserving of the grant, how you intend to carry out the requirements, and so forth. If you are unfamiliar with writing or grant proposals, you may hire a professional grant writer. When doing so:
Do not just hire any writer. Grant proposals are important. After all, they determine your eligibility to receive free funding for a particular project, like a business expansion or youth violence prevention. As previously stated, it is common for one grant to receive thousands of applications and proposals. Yours needs to stand apart from the rest and in a good way. The best way to do this is to hire a well-known and experienced grant writer. A traditional content writer or a fiction writer may not do you justice.
Turn to the internet to find a grant writer. Freelance writers are easy to find online. Most will outline their qualifications for you. Look for those who have experience writing grant proposals. Using the internet is best, as it allows you to reach more writers. Do not limit yourself locally. If you or your organization really needs the funds in question, do not rely on someone who writes for a hobby. Use the internet to find a professional grant writer.
Consider hiring a grant writer who specializes in your field. Government grants come in a number of different formats. You may be surprised what types of grants are offered. There are those that reduce crime, those that improve the climate problem, those that focus on health issues, those that cover agriculture, and so forth. If you are a small farmer looking to get a government grant to transform your farm into an organic farm, consider hiring a grant writer with a background in agriculture. At the very least, you should work by their side to feed them the necessary information to tailor your proposal.
Do not assume professional writers are 100% perfect because they are not. Even experienced and paid grant writers make mistakes. These mistakes could be grammar errors, the wrong contact information, and so forth. Never submit a paid for grant proposal without first reviewing the document. In fact, you should review it and have another trusted individual do the same. With paid grant proposals, you should also get a document for your own computer records. Make any necessary changes and print the final copy.
Word Count 637

Grants to Start Businesses And How To Get Them

Do you want to start a small business? If so, you are not alone. Millions of Americans dream of owning their own business. Doing so allows them to be their own boss and be in control of their earnings. Many individuals have great business ideas and solid plans, but many run into financial problems. Starting a small business is costly. If you need financial help, you may wonder about government grants to start a business. These grants are advertised online and in late night infomercials, but do they exist? Yes and no.
When it comes to government grants to start a business, it is tricky. Rarely are grants available for business startups. The rare exception is with technology, health, and environmental businesses. Most government grants serve a purpose. Depending on the grant in question, that purpose may be to solve the climate control problem, improve the health of Americans, or to reduce violence. If the business you want to start can help the government accomplish these goals, there may be a government grant available to you, but it is highly unlikely.
In most instances, small business loans are the best choice. Small business loans give business owners, like you freedom. You present financial lenders with business plans. If they feel you have a good business idea and solid plan in place, they are likely lend money. That loan comes with very few restrictions. Aside from the fact the loan must be used for business purposes and that it must be repaid, you have the freedom to do what you want with the money. You can use the money to buy needed equipment, advertise your business, hire outside help, and more. Government grants for small businesses do not operate this way.
As previously stated, government grants are designed to accomplish a purpose. One purpose mentioned above is to improve the health of Americans. There are grants available that want to monitor the success of autism treatments, develop a connection between alcoholism and the workplace, and so forth. In the event you are awarded a government grant, you are not in complete control of the money. It must be used in accordance with the grantor and their stipulations. For example, if you operate a small business, like an arcade or fitness center, you could apply for a grant aimed at monitoring, preventing, and reducing youth violence. If allowed the funding could be used to start a special after-school program for children. You and the grantor will collect data to determine if the after-school program influenced youth violence in your community.
As previously stated, it is unlikely you will find a government grant to start a business. There are however factors which may increase your chances. In the United States, the government wants to see an increase in minority and women owned businesses. For that reason, you may be able to secure financing to start a small business if you fall into certain categories. A good example is with Native Americans. If you are of Native American descent or belong to a tribe, you can receive funding to start a business. As mentioned above, there are rules and restrictions. Often times, your business must have a positive impact on your tribal government or organization. Your business must bring profits and good things to your community. If the chances of that happening are slim, grant approval is unlikely.
In short, government grants to start a small business to exist, they are difficult to find. In the event you do get a small business government grant, remember you must follow all rules and restrictions. If you misuse the money, you open yourself up to theft charges and repayment. It will not hurt to look for government grants to start a business, but your best chances are to secure a small business loan. To do so, develop a strong business plan, approach local lenders, as well as the Small Business Administration (SBA).
Word Count 656

Debt Relief Grants : Are They Available?

If you are like millions of other Americans, you may be indebt. The economy is in trouble. For many, it appears to be spiraling out of control. Millions of Americans are losing their homes, losing their jobs, and some are unable to pay their utility bills, let alone feed their families. If debt is a problem you face, you may turn to the internet to seek help. Unfortunately, you will find a lot of inaccurate information. One piece of information you will find concerns government grants. Many websites and for sale products claim you can get debt relief grants from the government, but can you really? No.
Grants.gov is the leading resource for finding information on government grants. The United States government operates this website. You will find detailed information free of charge. Not only can you browse and search for grants, but you can apply for them too. By visiting and browsing the website, you will see hundreds of thousands of government grants. Some grants are available to individuals, but most are designed for state and local governments, colleges and universities, school districts, small business owners, Native American governments and organizations, and non-profit organizations. The grants that do exist for individuals are usually centered around improving the community and environment. For example, you may find grants to improve and conserve water, improve the process of growing organic foods, and reduce community violence.
What you will not find available on the Grants.gov website is debt relief grants from the government. Since these grants do not technically exist, why do many websites and late night infomercial products claim they do? For starters, there is inaccuracy. Some individuals mistakenly believe there are government grants to pay debts. They may have seen these online or on television. They believe they are doing a good deed by spreading the word online. Unfortunately, they were likely misinformed. On the other side of the fence, you will find those who try to profit from the growing need of debt relief. Many late night infomercial products are scams. A product selling information on government grants may not necessarily be a scam, but it is a waste of money, especially if that product claims government grants will help you get out of debt.
Honestly, the only instance in which you may find debt relief grants from the government is if you are a small business owner or a non-profit organization. Once again, this is rare. Most grants serve a purpose. If your small business or non-profit organization helps the government serve this purpose, they may be willing to extend a helping hand. If your organization help families of those suffering from autism, there may be autism related grants that can help keep your business or non-profit organization afloat.
Since it is rare to find government grants to pay debt, you may feel as if you hit a roadblock. Will you ever get out of debt? Yes. How? First, take the old fashion approach of reducing your expenses and saving money. Millions of Americans waste money on junk food, beverages, expensive television and internet packages. You do not necessarily need to go without, but try to change your habits. You will start to notice increased saved money, which you can put towards your debt. Although you are indebt, some financial lenders are willing to extend debt consolidation loans to individuals like you.
Also, many government programs are designed to help qualifying individuals save money. If you are classified as a low-income individual, you may be able to receive assistance from the federal or state government for heating costs, health care, and food. If you believe you qualify for these programs, which you can determine by contacting local officials, apply. Even if you are only able to reduce your heating bill by $20 a month, it is still $240 saved by the end of the year. You can put that money towards repaying your debt.
Word Count 655

Government Grant Writing For Dummies

Government grants are available to a wide range of individuals and organizations. Whether you are an individual seeking free grant money for yourself, the operator of a non-profit organization, a local government official, or a small business owner, you may qualify for and receive a government grant, but how?
To get started, you need to familiarize yourself with available government grants. If this is your first time attempting to do so, do not make a costly mistake. Do not pay for an infomercial product or a website membership. Government grants are easy to find and it is free when you visit Grants.gov. The only instance in which you should pay to receive a government grant is if you decided to hire a professional grant writer, which will be discussed in detail later.
Once on the Grants.gov website, perform an advanced search. An advanced search is better than browsing for grants by category or eligibility, as you receive more accurate and up-to-date information. When performing the search, select the open grants option. Do not waste time on opportunities in which it is to late to apply. Before processing your search, customize as much as possible. At the very least, choose the correct eligibility. You can choose from state governments, county governments, city or township governments, special district governments, independent school districts, public and state controlled colleges, private colleges, Native American tribal governments, public housing authorities, non-profit organizations, individuals, and small businesses.
After completing your advanced search, you will see the results. You are eligible to apply for these grants, but it does not mean that you should. Before getting excited about the large list, closely examine it. For example, there are many government grants for non-profit organizations. They can include grants to prevent and monitor youth violence, grants to monitor those suffering from autism, and so forth. Do not waste your time applying for government grants that do not influence you or your purpose. For instance, if you do not work with those suffering from autism, do not apply for autism related grants. Save time and focus on grants where you have a chance.
If you want to apply for a grant, you should be able to do so right on the Grants.gov website. Begin by reading all information pertaining to the application. Some grants call for electronic submission, which is done right on the website. Rarely does a government grant call just for an application. You may need to write a written proposal. If a proposal is required, detailed information on what should be included will be divulged. If you are an inexperienced writer or worried about the results, consider hiring a professional grant writer. Doing so does cost money, but many in your shoes consider it a wise investment, especially when funding is obtained.
As you can see, applying for government grants is easy when using Grants.gov. Unfortunately, apply for grants and receiving them are two different things. There are many more people and organizations that need this free money than there are available grants. For that reason, competition is strong. Improve your chances of getting a government grant by only applying for grants that you qualify for, reading all information provided, properly filling out the application, and submitting a detailed and well-written grant proposal, should one be required.
Word Count 550

Writing A Proposal For Local Non-Profit Organizations

Non-profit organizations are one of the most common recipients of government grants. Government grants serve a purpose. That purpose varies, but it is often to improve health, reduce violence, and save the environment. Non-profit organizations also have a purpose. That purpose also varies, but many non-profit organizations are designed to help those suffering from health issues and those impacted by violence. When compared side-by-side, government grants and non-profit organizations appear to be the perfect fit.
Despite having the same goals and wanting to accomplish the same things, not all non-profit organizations know about or take advantage of government grants. If you belong to a non-profit organization, make use of one’s services, or are just active in the community, do you suspect your local organizations aren’t taking advantage of this free money? Although government funding is not guaranteed because the competition is tough, it won’t hurt to try. If you feel the non-profit organizations in your community could benefit from this free government money, you may want to speak up. How should you approach the situation?
Non-profit organizations come in all different shapes and sizes. Some operate on a national level and others service only one or two cities, towns, and villages. Large non-profit organizations are often run by professionals who have years of business and non-profit management experience. These individuals are likely already taking advantage of government grants. Where the most focus should be placed is on locally operated non-profit organizations.
It is best to inquire about government grants if you are a member of the non-profit organization or a volunteer. You are behind the scenes and able to gather information. If you know organizers are having a shortage of funds, speak up. Ask if anyone has looked into government grants. In fact, you can offer to do the initial research. It is very easy at Grants.gov. Perform an advanced search for non-profit organization grants. Skim through the list and look for applicable grants. For example, autism related grants are ideal for non-profit organizations that deal with autism children, adults, and families.
If you are active in your community, but not a member or volunteer for a non-profit organization, you can still make the recommendation. Active community members are known for caring about the community, those inside, and all businesses and non-profit organizations. If you are well-known through the community, it will not be awkward for you to suggest government grants. A good approach is to say you were browsing the Grants.gov website and saw a number of grants that the organization may qualify for.
Now that you have a few ideas on how you can talk to local non-profit organizations about government grants, you may wonder if you should. Yes; you have nothing to lose. Unfortunately, government grants are iffy. Due to many infomercial products, which tend to misrepresent these grants, many believe they are nothing more than a scam. There are legitimate grants, which you can find on Grants.gov. Non-profit organizations are one of the most common recipients of these grants. Those operating new or small non-profit organizations might have assumed government grants were nothing more than a scam or a waste of money. Since it is free to search for and apply for these grants on Grants.gov, they and you have nothing to lose by making the suggestion.
Word Count 551

Writing A Proposal To Get Your Child A Federal Pell Grant

You may have heard that government grant scams are on the rise. Yes, this is true in many cases. There are home improvement grants for senior citizens hit by natural disasters, there are grants to improve small agricultural farms, but individual grants are few and far in between. Most grants are designed for state and local governments, non-profit organizations, small businesses, colleges and universities. However, one government grant is 100% legitimate. That is the Federal Pell Grant. What can this grant do for you? It can help lower the cost of sending your child college.
The Federal Pell Grant is designed to make college more affordable and easier to attend for low-income students. Not all college students qualify for this government grant. A specific formula is used, known as the expected family contribution (EFC). This formula uses the student’s or parent’s income and assets, family size, and household size. There are also restrictions on participating colleges. Luckily, both full-time and part-time students qualify for this grant. Students, however, must be classified as undergraduates or vocational students.
Applying for the Federal Pell Grant is easy. In fact, your soon-to-be college student can do so right online. To get started, have them visit FASA.ed.gov. Once on the website, fill out the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). In three to five days, your child will received a Student Aid Report, otherwise known as SAR. You and your child should carefully review this report to ensure all information entered was accurate. A summary of the above mentioned EFC (expected family contribution) will also be provided. Once again, verify this information. The wrong information can prevent your child from getting the necessary funding.
After the FAFSA form is completed and results are gathered, your child must check with their college or university. They will determine how much aid is received. As for distribution of funds, it occurs different ways. Some schools will simply subtract the awarded amount from the tuition bill. Other schools will give your child a check for the amount. In the event your child receives a check, ensure they know the importance of putting that money towards tuition, living expenses, and school supplies. If they misuse the funds, you will be back to square one wondering how to cover the cost of college.
Even if you or your child suspects you will not qualify for the Federal Pell Grant, still complete the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). This application is not only used to determine federal financial assistance, but state and school too. Application deadlines are important to receive the proper funding. Check with the college in question to ensure their application deadlines match the federal recommendations.
In short, the Federal Pell Grant can help reduce the cost of college for qualifying students. Unfortunately, this money does not cover the entire cost of education. If you are concerned about the remainder, speak with your child and their school guidance counselor. In additional to federal grants, many states also have education grants for qualifying students. If obtaining a loan is a concern, due to poor credit, encourage your child to apply for scholarships. Thousands of scholarships are provided each year to students. Preference is often given to students with good grades, community involvement, and involvement in school related extra curricular activities, but it is free and easy to apply.
Word Count 558

Do You Qualify For A Government Grant?

You may have seen the late night infomercials claiming you can get free money from the government. This free money supposedly comes in the form of government grants. We all know that most late night infomercials are nothing more than a scam and a waste of money. Although this is true, the money is really available. To who? Who qualifies for a government grant? Many groups of people. It all depends on the type of grant in question.
If you are researching government grants because you saw an advertisement online or a late night infomercial, you are likely looking into individual grants. These are government grants for single persons, such as yourself. These grants are few and far in between, but they do exist. There are grants for those who want to expand a business, improve the climate, attend college, start a non-profit organization, and so forth.
Grants for individuals are limited. One mistake people make is believing it is 100% free money with no restrictions. Despite what an infomercial or another company may tell you, that is not how they work. Grants are given for a reason, usually to help a particular cause. Right now, global warming and the environment is a big concern. You can find grants for individuals who want to do their part. Whether you want to make your house more green or take a more drastic step, financial assistance should be available in the form of a grant. However, you must use the grant money as intended. You cannot take funds you got to improve the greenness of your house to pay off your old student loans. It does not work that way.
Governments grants are most commonly given to state, county, and local governments. The grants available to these organizations come in a wide range of formats. No matter what the format, there is one goal. That goal is to improve the community. For example, some grants are available to those who want to study and monitor youth violence, those who want to properly manage or reduce solid waste, those who want to study and reduce sexual violence in the community, and so forth. Many grants are also available to improve schools, community programs, roads, construction, and more.
Another group that commonly receives government grants is non-profit organizations. As with grants for local and state governments, there are many more results on grants.gov for non-profit organizations than individuals. Grants are offered for a reason. They usually have a purpose. It is common to find grants for non-profit organizations that include AIDS research and prevention, education and screening for those suffering from diabetes, and more. Non-profit organizations help those in need. Grantors provide funds through grants to make continued help possible.
If you are an individual who is interested in starting a non-profit organization, it is best to get started before relying on grant money. Many organizations compete for these grants. Do not assume you will win because it is unlikely your first few attempts. Follow all federal, state, and local laws to get your non-profit organization up and running. Then research and apply for government grants. As previously stated, you can do so at Grants.gov, as well as other government websites.
In short, if you are researching government grants because of a catchy advertisement you saw on television or online, you are likely an individual looking for free money. That money does exist, but it must be used for a purpose. You cannot use it to get out of debt. If that is what you are looking to do, you must opt other forms of financial assistance. The most valuable and easy to find government grants are usually reserved for state, county and local governments, school districts, Native Americans, small businesses, and colleges.
Word Count 629

Small Business Owners Need To Know How To Write A Proposal

Whether you want to start a small business or are already an established business owner, you may be enticed with government grants. These grants do exist, but they are often advertised online and on television as free money for all. As previously stated, government grants do exist and many are designed for small businesses, but it is not like the late night infomercials and other products make it seem. You do not just get free money that you can use however you like. In the event you win grant money, there are strict rules you must follow. Otherwise, you are at risk for losing future funding and you may be forced to repay the misused funds.
Since there are rules and restrictions on how government grant money can be used for small businesses, you may wonder what they are. It all depends on the grant in question. These grants vary significantly, depending on the organization, government sector, or private grantor offering the funding. Continue reading on for a few sample grants listed on the Grants.gov website as of February 2009. These grantors accept applications from a wide rage of groups, including small businesses.
The Center for Disease Control had a grant available to small business owners, local and state governments, Native American governments and organizations, school districts, non-profit organizations, and colleges. This grant opportunity was titled “Identifying Neighborhood Level Protective Factors for Youth Violence.” Honestly, non-profit organizations and local governments are likely to be the recipients of these safety grants. However, you can still apply. A good grant proposal and application is key, but so is need. The goal is to study youth violence. If your small business is located in an area with a high crime rate, your business has been a victim of youth crime, or if your business offers programs to children in the community to keep them busy and out of trouble, you stand a reasonable chance.
The National Institute of Health had a grant available to small business owners, state and local governments, Native American organizations and governments, school districts, colleges, and non-profit organizations. That grant was tilted “Psychosocial/Behavioral Interventions and Research in Autism Spectrum.” Once again, non-profit organizations will likely win this grant, but no harm can come from trying. If your small business is health focused, such as if you work with disabled children, provide counseling services, or if you provide employment to those suffering from autism, you may be a qualified applicant.
The Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) had a grant available for small businesses, individuals, colleges, and non-profit organizations. That grant was titled “Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative. The goal of this grant is to improve organic agriculture by solving current issues farmers face. If you were a small business owner who operates an organic farm, you are at an advantage. A part of the grant’s requirements involves on-the-farm gathering of information and more. Since you are familiar in the field of organic food and ranching and own the property, you should be considered a qualified applicant.
Highlighted above were just three government grants that the United States government makes small business owners eligible to receive. Grants, especially government grants, have a purpose. That purpose may involve improving the economy, the community, agriculture, and safety. If you are a small business owner who can help the government accomplish these goals, you may qualify for free funding.
If you would like to see additional grants available for small business owners, visit Grants.gov. This is a well-known and trusted website, operated by the United States government. Perform an advanced search for small business grants. Each listing tells you about the grant, the funds available, what those funds must be used for, and the grantor’s name.
Word Count 626

Eight Tips To Get A Government Grant

Do you want to apply for a government grant? If so, you need to avoid scams and untrustworthy websites that provide you with old and outdated information, yet have no problem charging you a fee. Government grants do exist for all different types of individuals and organizations, but you need to know how to find them. So, how do you find legitimate grants? In 8 easy steps!
1 – Have the Needed Supplies
To find legitimate government grant opportunities, you need a computer and internet access. A computer printer is not required, but you want to have that or a notebook handy to record your findings and to gather additional information.
2 – Visit Grants.gov
Grants.gov is the leading website for up-to-date and free information on government grants. Many experts claim it is your one stop resource for obtaining this free money.
3 – Browse the Website
When browsing the website, visit the frequently asked questions section, the help section, and so forth. For first time grant seekers, this is mostly just to familiarize yourself with the process as well as give you comfort and peace of mind. Grants.gov is a legitimate website, not a scam or a program you must pay to use. It is a government operated website that is safe. Still, browsing the website will let you see for yourself.
4 – Perform an Advanced Search for Grants
Click on the link to perform an advanced search. This link can be found under the heading of “Find Grant Opportunities,” from the main menu bar. There are other methods of finding grants, but this is your best option. You are able to customize your search to include open grants only. Searching for grants based on agency and category is nice, but you can get a list that goes back two years or more. An advanced search saves time.
5 – Customize Your Search
After clicking on the advanced grant search link, customize your search. Do not limit yourself. Opt to get information on open grant opportunities only. Then, scroll down the page to the eligibility sections and select the best choice. If you are an individual, select individual. If you are in charge of running an IRS recognized non-profit organization, select that. You can further customize your search, but you may mistakenly miss quality grants. It is best to have a larger list that you can sort through.
6 – Hit the Search Button
Once your information is properly entered in, hit the search button at the bottom of the page. A new webpage will appear with all grants listed. Since you customized your search, you are eligible for these grants.
7 – Review the Results
As previously stated, your search page will include grants you are eligible to apply for, but that does not mean you should. For example, if your run a small agricultural farm, a grant that wants to study and monitor autism is not the perfect fit for you. When reviewing your results, play close attention to the close date.
8 - Apply for Government Grants
If you find information on open government grants that you are eligible to apply for and you honestly feel you have a chance of receiving, apply. You have nothing to lose. As for the application process, it varies. Read and follow all information provided to you. Some grants require a simple application, others want an application and a short grant proposal, some want full grant proposals, and so forth.
As you can see, it is easy to find legitimate government grants on the Grants.gov website. In addition to performing the 8 above mentioned steps, signup for email alters. New grants appear on the website throughout the year. You may be unable to check for daily, weekly, or even monthly updates. In that case, email notification of applicable grants is advised.
Word Count 635

What You Need to Know To Write A Grant Proposal

Whether you are an individual, the owner of a small business, a local government official, a school district superintendent, or the member of a non-profit organization, you may want to seek financial help from the government. There are a number of programs and resources available from the federal government. One of those is grants. Grants are nice because they do not need to be repaid. Although government grants must be used for a specific purpose, they are essentially considered free money!
If you want to apply for government grants to help yourself, the government, or the organization you represent, are you doing so for the first time? If so, please continue reading on for information on government grants. It is important to enter into the process with your eyes wide open.
Not everyone is eligible for all government grants. These grants come in many formats. It all depends on the grantor and the grant in question. For example, the Center for Disease Control is likely to offer grants for health issues, such as autism, diabetes, and heart disease. The United States Agricultural Department is likely to offer grants that focus on ranching and farming. To improve your chances of getting funding, focus on and apply for grants in which you truly have a chance of winning.
Government grants have restrictions. As previously stated, government grants are free money, but they come with strings attached. If you are a small business owner who receives a grant to monitor youth violence in your community, you will likely be prohibited from using that money to buy new cash registers or inventory. When researching grants, carefully read all information provided. Most grantors will specifically outline what the funds can and cannot be used for.
The competition for government grants is fierce. Since grants are free money, many people want them. For example, if there is a road construction grant available for state, county, and local governments, there will be thousands of applications. Many communities in the United States need road improvements, but don’t have the funds to make the changes. They will seek government funding through a grant. The same is true for non-profit organizations, small business, and individual grants. Don’t let the fear of rejection stop you. A grant that receives 5,000 applications sounds like a stretch, but you still have a chance of winning.
Your grant proposal can automatically be rejected. As mentioned above, some grantors receive thousands of applications. These take time to review. To ease the process, some applications and grant proposals are automatically eliminated. Don’t let this happen. It is often due to a simple mistake. When applying for a grant, only apply for grants that you can truly win. Do not bother applying as an individual if the grant is only open to non-profit organizations. Read all information provided. If a written grant proposal is asked for, don’t submit your application without one.
It is not a quick process. Those who seek government grants are doing so for a reason; they need the money. Small businesses are noticing decreases in sales, individuals are losing their jobs and homes, non-profit organizations are seeing a decrease in donations; the list goes on and on. Unfortunately, it can take months for your grant application and proposal to be examined. Some grantors wait until after the close date to get started. Then, if you are awarded a grant, it can take another few months before you actually receive the money. Instead of relying on grants for your business or organization to survive, consider it an added bonus. If you win and get funding right away great! If not, don’t let it be the downfall, have a backup plan in place.
You now know what to expect when applying for government grants. Remember, there are no guarantees. Do not count on free money for the government. Luckily, if your grant applications are denied, there is more help available. Federal and state governments have a wide range of financial assistance programs in place for individuals, small businesses, and non-profit organizations. These may include loans and moneysaving discount programs.
Word Count 684

What You Need to Know To Find Government Grants

Free money is something we all hope for. It is rare to come across, but some individuals and organizations can get free money from the government. This free money comes in the form of government grants. If you would like to find and apply for government grants, but are doing so for the first time, you should know some things.
Government grants are not 100% free money. Yes, you do get free money if awarded a government grant. There are however, strings attached. Grants serve many purposes. Some grants want to improve the health of Americans, reduce youth violence, curb the climate control problem, and improve the economy as the whole. To do that, certain steps must be taken. If you win a government grant, you cannot use the money however you see fit. It must be used according to the stimulations set forth by the grantor, the individual, company, or government organization giving you the money.
You can be charged for theft by misusing government grant money. Some individuals are so desperate for free money they will do just about anything. This includes faking documents, misrepresenting themselves, or even starting a fake non-profit organization. If you are in dire need of financial assistance, contact your local bank for a loan, speak to friends and family, or make use of financial assistance programs offered by local, state, and federal governments. Do not lie to get a grant. You misuse the funds. This is considered theft. Not only can you be charged, but you will need to repay the money too.
Now that you know exactly what government grants are and that they come with rules and restrictions, are you still ready to find government grants? If so, continue reading on for some helpful tips.
The best way to find government grants is to visit Grants.gov. This website is free, safe, and easy to use. It is not a paid membership website or the product of a late night infomercial. Government officials operate the website, meaning you get up-to-date and accurate information. If you have never visited the website before, take a few minutes to look around. Familiarize yourself with website features, the different methods of searching or browsing for grants, and so forth. In just a few minutes, you will see how easy it is to get the information you need.
While on the government grants website, perform an advanced search. This search allows you to enter in your eligibility. For example, if you are individual looking for grants on turning your home green, select individual and so forth. Make sure you check the box for open grants only. This automatically eliminates grants in which it is too late to apply.
As previously stated, Grants.gov is your best resource for finding legitimate government grant opportunities. Not many individuals think of government grants. If you are an individual and not a non-profit organization member, you may have seen an advertisement on a late night infomercial or an advertisement online. Avoid these. Remember, Grants.gov is free and easy to use. You will waste your money by paying for a “professional,” product or service. When apply for government grants, the only instance in which you should pay money is if a full grant proposal is required. If you are unfamiliar with grant writing or worry about your writing ability, consider hiring a professional grant writer. Otherwise, save your money and head directly to Grants.gov.
Most importantly, you need to find government grants; they do not come to you. The only instance in which you may be provided with information on a grant is if another well-known non-profit organization in the area was reviewing the database and saw a grant that your non-profit organization could qualify for, but not theirs. They will likely provide you with a link to the Grants.gov website and nothing more. This is done out of the kindness of their heart. Anything else is likely a scam. Do not fall victim to scammers who phone or email you claiming you qualify for a government grant, which they will help you apply for with a small processing fee.
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Who Gets All That Government Grant Money?

You may have heard that the government gives out free money in the form of grants. Yes, this really does happen. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation circulating about these government grants. Yes, these grants do not need to be repaid. However, they cannot be used for any purpose. Those who win government grants must follow the rules and restrictions put forth by the grantor. Also, government grants are not just handed out to anyone. To determine if you have a chance of winning a government grant, continue reading on for information pertaining to the most common recipients.
The most common question asked about government grants is “are there personal grants available?” These grants are classified as grants for individuals. Yes, they do exist, but they are very rare and hard to come across. As previously stated, government grants cannot be used for any purpose. It all depends on the grantor in question. For example, the Center for Disease Control is likely to fund grants that study medical related issues, such as autism, alcoholism, sexually transmitted diseases, and so forth. It is possible to find government grants for homeowners who want to conserve energy or water, as well as grants for senior citizens to repair their home after a natural disaster, but that is about it. It will not hurt to look, but if you are an individual looking for free money, don’t get too excited.
The most common recipients of government grants are government organizations. These may include state, county, town, city, and village governments. These government groups are known for seeking grants that make new construction possible, curb youth violence, and so forth. Also under the category of government organizations, you will find Native American Tribal Governments. These fall into two categories, those recognized by the United States government and those not. Native Americans seek out these grants for the same reason others do; they want to improve their community and reduce operating costs.
Educational organizations are another common recipient of government grants. Falling into this category are independent school districts, public and state controlled higher education institutions, and private higher education institutions. These types of organizations qualify and receive a large number of grants. As with government organizations, they can receive government grants to improve or start new construction, offer new services, reduce violence, and offer new classes. It is common for colleges and universities to work with health and technology based companies, which also provide grants.
Non-profit organizations are also common recipients of government grants. There are two types of non-profit organizations. Those that are recognized by the IRS and those that are not. Regardless, both are eligible to receive many grants. As for why non-profit organizations are common recipients of grants, their goal is to help the American people. They do so without turning a profit. This is the same goal that many grantors have. The Center for Disease Control may award a grant that focuses on AIDS research and monitoring to a non-profit organization that helps individuals suffering from AIDS and their family.
Finally, there are small businesses. To be classified as a small business, certain restrictions must be met. A small business should have a limited number of employees and make under a certain dollar amount. It is rare to find a government grant to start a business. Typically, grants are awarded to small businesses that have a direct impact on the community. For example, a privately run doctor’s office that provides affordable care to low-income families, may qualify for grants to keep the business financially afloat and stable.
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Grant Proposal Writers: Your Best Bet When Writing A Grant Proposal?

Government grants are commonly compared to loans. Many claim the only difference is the money does not need to be repaid. Essentially, you get free money from the government. Government grants are available for individuals, but are typical reserved for state and local governments, colleges and universities, non-profit organizations, and small businesses. Regardless of which category you fall into, you will soon find another difference between government grants and loans. That is the application process.
Each year, the government and many private groups handout billions in grant money. Many individuals and organizations want and need this money. For that reason, the competition is strong. Rarely, can a grantor choose winning recipients based on a standard application. All grants vary, but most require a traditional application, as well as a written grant proposal. Each grantor will outline, in detailed, what should be included. Often times, you need to explain yourself or your organization, the need for financing, what you intend to do with it, and how your need for money ties in with the grantors purpose.
If grant writing is unfamiliar to you, this will likely be a nerve-wracking experience. Luckily, there are many resources available to help. Yes, there are how-to books and other guides available online or in bookstores, but there is a much easier step. That involves hiring a professional grant writer.
Grant writers are easy to find online. To get started, perform a standard internet search. Your search results will show a number of options. There are large companies that specialize in writing grants. They employ many writers. You will also find individual grant writers who operate on a freelance basis. Choose either method, but private freelance writers are likely to produce the best results. With them, you should do more that just fill out a standard form. You should communicate directly with your freelance grant writer through email or over-the-phone. Since grantors want to know about you or your organization and the reason for need, a grant writer must first gather this information directly from you.
When hiring a writer, you want to see samples of their work. Unfortunately, this is difficult with grant writers. Grant writers are bound by confidentiality. They want to share a winning grant proposal with you, as it showcases their skills, but most are unable to do so. A grant writer may have a generalized sample listed on their website or provide detailed information on their format or how they intend to write the proposal. Although you cannot see actual examples, ask to see other works. Look around the writer’s website. Do you notice a large number of errors? If so, this is a sign you may want to look elsewhere.
It is common for grant writers to charge a thousand dollars or more for a grant proposal. This is often due in part to the time and research needed to create a winning document. Some grant writers charge varying fees depending on the type of individual or organization seeking the grant, as well as the type of grant. Although this seems like a large cost, it does improve ones chances of receiving funding. When gauging fees, be sure to take the number of grants available, as well as the funding allotted. It may be in your best interest to research grant writing and do it yourself if the grant is for $5,000 or less or if a limited number of grants are available.
Word Count 573

Blog Archive
- Hiring a Grant Writer : Tips To Help
- Grants to Start Businesses And How To Get Them
- Debt Relief Grants : Are They Available?
- Government Grant Writing For Dummies
- Writing A Proposal For Local Non-Profit Organizations
- Writing A Proposal To Get Your Child A Federal Pel...
- Do You Qualify For A Government Grant?
- Small Business Owners Need To Know How To Write A ...
- Eight Tips To Get A Government Grant
- What You Need to Know To Write A Grant Proposal
- What You Need to Know To Find Government Grants
- Who Gets All That Government Grant Money?
- Grant Proposal Writers: Your Best Bet When Writing...