Government Grant Scams And How To Avoid Them

Whether you are surfing the internet or watching television late at night, you are likely to come across an advertisement offering you access to free money. That advertisement sounds appealing. After all, who wouldn’t want free money? Luckily, most of us know that free money is not something that comes along often. However, these advertisements spin their products or services by stating this money comes from free government grants. Yes, government grants do exist, but many of these advertised products and services are scams.
What do you need to know about government grant scams to prevent yourself from becoming a victim.
They do exist. As previously stated, most people know right away an infomercial advertising free money is a scam. Nevertheless, when the phrase “government grants,” is tossed in, many of us do a double take. Who in their right mind would run a scam that involves the government? This causes us to rethink our original thought of a scam. Yes, it seems risky to run a scam that involves the United States government, but you may be surprised how many individuals do it. Government grant scams do exist.
Government grant scams come in a number of different formats. Their varying formats are what makes them tricky. There are frauds that will find and seek you out, there are infomercial products that do nothing more than sell inaccurate and outdated information, those who will try to steal your bank account information, and so forth.
Scammers may actually call your house. As previously stated, some frauds will find and seek out their victims. They may have detailed information about yourself, such as where you work, your home address, or the name of your bank. This information is usually illegal or immorally obtained; however, some Americans get a false sense of security since the scammer actually knows about them. For legitimate grants, you must find them, do the research, and apply. You will not be approached by phone or email.
Scammers will ask for your checking account information. This is most common when someone calls or emails you explaining that you qualify for a government grant. Out of the “kindness of their heart,” they want to help you apply for that grant. However, it really isn’t kindness that is pushing them, it is your money. They will ask for a small processing fee, which can be hundreds of dollars or more! Then, they will ask for your checking account information. Some victims have had just the processing fee taken from their accounts, while others have had an additional hundreds or thousands of dollars stolen. Never give your checking account information to anyone, especially by phone or email.
Government grant scams are occasionally advertised on popular websites. This is a fact about the internet that many novice internet users do not know. It costs money to run a website. To offset the costs, website owners use moneymaking programs, like Google AdSense. These put ads on a website. The website owner does not choose their ads. They automatically appear. Unfortunately, that means that a legitimate website with good and accurate information may actually list a scam program. For that reason, be careful what and where you click online.
The best way to avoid falling victim to a government grant scam is to use your best judgment. Government grants are easiest to find for state and local governments and non-profit organizations. Head to government websites, those ending in .gov, and search for information on grants. Contact local government officials to ask about individual and personal grants. These two approaches do work, are easy, and won’t cost you a dime.
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Writing Proposals For Government Grants: How To Avoid Scams

When many of us hear the phrase “government grants,” free money often pops into mind. Yes, there are legitimate government grants that do translate into money, but there is a lot of misinformation circulating. In rare cases, individuals do qualify for government grants, but they are typically awarded to non-profit organizations, state and local governments, Native Americans, small business owners, and colleges. If you are an individual looking for free grant money, your chances are small, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look. When looking, save your money and avoid common grant scams.
For you to save your money and avoid government grant scams, you must first know what they are. Unfortunately, these scams come in a number of different formats. Luckily, most are easy to spot. What do you need to be on the lookout for?
Someone who emails you. A friend or another non-profit organization who stumbled across a grant you may qualify for will just pass on the information. They are doing this out of the kindness of their heart. What you need to watch for are strangers who email you unexpectedly. These individuals will obtain some of your personal information, like your name, address, and email address online. It sounds legitimate because they know a little bit about you. They claim they were reviewing their records and noticed you qualified for a government grant. For a small processing fee, they will help you submit your application and even write a grant proposal for you.
Some who calls you. As with the above mentioned email scam, be on the lookout for people who call you out of nowhere. They often disguise themselves as a professional individual or a member of a company. They will also claim their records indicated you qualified for a government grant. Once again, they will offer to help you apply for the grant, but for a processing fee.
Unfortunately, people fall victim to these two scams. It is because the frauds usually toss around phrases like “free money.” As previously stated, there really are legitimate grants offered by the federal government. Where the scam comes in is when you give your checking account information. Most scammers tell you that you are qualified to receive this free money but give you no information until giving bank account numbers. Do not do it! Government grants do not come to you; you must find them yourself. Once the scammer has your checking account information, they can withdrawal their “processing fee,” but also wipe your account clean.
There are professionals who will help you find government grants, complete the application, as well as write you a grant proposal. These individuals are grant writers. However, they will not approach you. Grant writers are often professionals who work on a freelance basis. They will help get the process started, but only if you contact them first.
Although not necessarily classified as a scam, more of a waste of money, be on the lookout for paid products. Some membership websites online want you to pay to gain access to their government grants database. There are infomercial products claiming you can get free money from the government. Remember, this can happen, but it is rare for personal individuals. It will not hurt to look, but do not pay for this information. Instead, visit or speak to government officials. These approaches are free.
Word Count 562 The One Stop Shop To Find Government Grants

Are you an individual looking for free money to assist you with a special project? Are you a non-profit organization member who would like to obtain funds for your organization’s goals? Are you a small town mayor who wants government money to improve your town? If you are one of these or other similar individuals, you may be looking for government grants. Some individuals, state and local governments, school districts, small businesses, and non-profit organization qualify for free money from the government. In fact, billions of dollars are handed out each year. How do you find information on these government grants? Visit
As nice as it is to hear that you should visit the website, you are likely to have many questions. What is it that sets this government grant website apart from the other hundred you can easily find online?
1 – It Is Free
The website is not a scam. It is not an infomercial product. It is not a paid membership website. It is 100% free to use. You can browse the website, but must register for a free account to apply for grants. This is very quick and easy. Follow the step-by-step directions and you may be on your way to receiving a government grant in no time at all.
2 – The Website is Easy to Navigate
As previously stated, hundreds of websites provide you with information on government grants. Some websites enable you to search grant databases, give you tips on how to choose the right grants, how to fill out applications, how to write a grant proposal and so forth. Unfortunately, many of these websites, even those you must pay to access, are difficult to navigate. With, this is not a problem. On the left-hand side of the page, there is a detailed and expandable menu bar. Whether you want to search for government grants, learn about the process, signup for email alerts, create an account, or apply for grants, you can do it on this website and with ease.
3 – Detailed Information is Provided
What is nice about is the detailed information given. Not only is the entire process of finding, searching for, and applying for a grants outlined in detailed for beginners, but the information is easy to find. As previously stated, you must register for an account to apply for grants. However, you can search for grants, read detailed requirements, and get other important information without registering. This is rare. Many other databases only provide you with generalized information. This may include the type of grant, the grantor, and the funds available. To find out more, you often need to register for a free account or pay a membership fee. Not with, only register if you find what you need.
4 – Representatives Available to Help
Another unique feature of is the customer service representatives available to help. This is another sign that this website is 100% legitimate. In fact, it is operated by government officials, thus the .gov address. By following the “Contact Us,” link at the top of the page, you will get a telephone number, email address, and mailing address. If you have a question or need additional help, ask.
5 – You Have Nothing to Lose
In short, is a well-known and trusted website designed to help you find legitimate government grants. The United States government maintains this website. Do not waste money paying for a website membership or a late night infomercial product. Whether you are a local government official, the superintendent of a school district, a college administrator or professor, the operator of a non-profit organization, or a small business owner, there are government grants available that you may qualify for. Winning funding is not guaranteed, but since it is free to search for and apply for these government grants, you have nothing to lose. Try it and secure the funding you need today.
Word Count 654

Senior Citizens Can Get Grants

In the United States, many Americans are in financial distress. Individuals of all ages are finding it difficult to make their mortgage payments and pay their utility bills. In this instance, many are automatically attracted to free money. After all, who wouldn’t love free money? Unfortunately, many individuals get inaccurate information.
The United States government has many resources to help Americans get out of debt, but these resources rarely come in the form of free money or government grants. There are a few exceptions however. They deal with senior citizens. If you are a senior citizen or know someone is continue reading on for information in which you or your loved one may be eligible for government grants.
The most common types of government grants you will find available for senior citizens focus on housing improvements. For example, there are grants available for rural housing repairs. This grant enables qualifying senior citizens to update, repair, or modernize their rural home to eliminate safety hazards. This specific grant comes with many restrictions. For starters, those under the age of 62 are automatically exempt from grants. Instead, they get a government-funded loan. Next, the location of the home must be a rural area. This is a low-income loan. Senior citizens must fall below the area’s median income. Individuals who do not qualify for this safety improvement grant will be encouraged to seek a loan. In some cases, combination loans and grants may be obtained.
Similar to the above mentioned grant, is a rural housing natural disaster relief grant. As with safety improvements, both grants and loans are available. This government grant is also designed for low-income seniors 62 years of age and up. It is for those unable to repay a loan. This grant is designed to replace or repair property damaged from a natural disaster. These funds can kick in after FEMA assistance has been provided. Grant recipients must show proof of ownership, proof of needed, and must live in an area declared a disaster by the United States President.
The two above grants are a few you will find for individual senior citizens through the federal government. Unfortunately, they are somewhat rare. Most often, government grants for senior citizens are given to non-profit organizations that extend services to seniors. If you are concerned with the affordable activities and services available to senior citizens in your community, don’t sit back and do nothing. Contact local government officials and non-profit organizations. Although you may be unable to receive a government grant to make improvements to your local senior center, others can.
Government grants sound nice because they are free money, but most senior citizens are unable to qualify for and apply for grants on their own. Aside from contacting local non-profit organizations and government officials, make use of other state and federal assistance programs. Many are designed for senior citizens. Medicaid and Medicare can help get seniors much needed medical coverage. Food stamps, food banks, and other similar programs can give seniors access to affordable and healthy foods. Many state and county government organizations have heating assistance programs to make heating a home more affordable. These government assistance programs rarely come in the form of a loan; instead they are designed to provide Americans with moneysaving discounts.
In short, no harm can come from examining grants to find those for senior citizens. However, you are advised against setting your expectations too high. If you find an ideal grant that is only available for non-profit organizations, state or county governments, pass the information on to the appropriate group. Although you do not receive the funds directly, you and other senior citizens can benefit from them.
Word Count 612

Hiring a Grant Writer : Tips To Help

Are you an individual, small business owner, or non-profit organization member who wants to seek government help? Depending on your need for the money, you may get help from government grants. Each year, billions of dollars are given to individuals, small business owners, local governments, school districts, colleges and universities, and non-profit organizations. Government grants have a purpose, which is typically to improve the economy, the environment, or health of Americans. If your purpose for needing money ties into one of these goals, you may be a qualified candidate for a government grant.
Although you may be a qualified candidate for a government grant, there is no guarantee you will get the money. In fact, the chances are small. For example, there are grants offered that involve youth violence. These grants are designed to monitor youth violence, develop a pattern, and work on a solution for solving it. Youth violence is a significant problem in many areas of the United States, not just large, well-known cities. State, county, and local governments, colleges, non-profit organizations, and even small business owners all across the country are influenced by youth violence and want to solve the problem. For that reason, this type of grant could easily receive thousands of proposals.
Speaking of grant proposals, they are what the grantor uses to determine the winner of the money. Some grantors use standard applications and others request full written grant proposals. This often requires you to explain in detail why you are deserving of the grant, how you intend to carry out the requirements, and so forth. If you are unfamiliar with writing or grant proposals, you may hire a professional grant writer. When doing so:
Do not just hire any writer. Grant proposals are important. After all, they determine your eligibility to receive free funding for a particular project, like a business expansion or youth violence prevention. As previously stated, it is common for one grant to receive thousands of applications and proposals. Yours needs to stand apart from the rest and in a good way. The best way to do this is to hire a well-known and experienced grant writer. A traditional content writer or a fiction writer may not do you justice.
Turn to the internet to find a grant writer. Freelance writers are easy to find online. Most will outline their qualifications for you. Look for those who have experience writing grant proposals. Using the internet is best, as it allows you to reach more writers. Do not limit yourself locally. If you or your organization really needs the funds in question, do not rely on someone who writes for a hobby. Use the internet to find a professional grant writer.
Consider hiring a grant writer who specializes in your field. Government grants come in a number of different formats. You may be surprised what types of grants are offered. There are those that reduce crime, those that improve the climate problem, those that focus on health issues, those that cover agriculture, and so forth. If you are a small farmer looking to get a government grant to transform your farm into an organic farm, consider hiring a grant writer with a background in agriculture. At the very least, you should work by their side to feed them the necessary information to tailor your proposal.
Do not assume professional writers are 100% perfect because they are not. Even experienced and paid grant writers make mistakes. These mistakes could be grammar errors, the wrong contact information, and so forth. Never submit a paid for grant proposal without first reviewing the document. In fact, you should review it and have another trusted individual do the same. With paid grant proposals, you should also get a document for your own computer records. Make any necessary changes and print the final copy.
Word Count 637

Grants to Start Businesses And How To Get Them

Do you want to start a small business? If so, you are not alone. Millions of Americans dream of owning their own business. Doing so allows them to be their own boss and be in control of their earnings. Many individuals have great business ideas and solid plans, but many run into financial problems. Starting a small business is costly. If you need financial help, you may wonder about government grants to start a business. These grants are advertised online and in late night infomercials, but do they exist? Yes and no.
When it comes to government grants to start a business, it is tricky. Rarely are grants available for business startups. The rare exception is with technology, health, and environmental businesses. Most government grants serve a purpose. Depending on the grant in question, that purpose may be to solve the climate control problem, improve the health of Americans, or to reduce violence. If the business you want to start can help the government accomplish these goals, there may be a government grant available to you, but it is highly unlikely.
In most instances, small business loans are the best choice. Small business loans give business owners, like you freedom. You present financial lenders with business plans. If they feel you have a good business idea and solid plan in place, they are likely lend money. That loan comes with very few restrictions. Aside from the fact the loan must be used for business purposes and that it must be repaid, you have the freedom to do what you want with the money. You can use the money to buy needed equipment, advertise your business, hire outside help, and more. Government grants for small businesses do not operate this way.
As previously stated, government grants are designed to accomplish a purpose. One purpose mentioned above is to improve the health of Americans. There are grants available that want to monitor the success of autism treatments, develop a connection between alcoholism and the workplace, and so forth. In the event you are awarded a government grant, you are not in complete control of the money. It must be used in accordance with the grantor and their stipulations. For example, if you operate a small business, like an arcade or fitness center, you could apply for a grant aimed at monitoring, preventing, and reducing youth violence. If allowed the funding could be used to start a special after-school program for children. You and the grantor will collect data to determine if the after-school program influenced youth violence in your community.
As previously stated, it is unlikely you will find a government grant to start a business. There are however factors which may increase your chances. In the United States, the government wants to see an increase in minority and women owned businesses. For that reason, you may be able to secure financing to start a small business if you fall into certain categories. A good example is with Native Americans. If you are of Native American descent or belong to a tribe, you can receive funding to start a business. As mentioned above, there are rules and restrictions. Often times, your business must have a positive impact on your tribal government or organization. Your business must bring profits and good things to your community. If the chances of that happening are slim, grant approval is unlikely.
In short, government grants to start a small business to exist, they are difficult to find. In the event you do get a small business government grant, remember you must follow all rules and restrictions. If you misuse the money, you open yourself up to theft charges and repayment. It will not hurt to look for government grants to start a business, but your best chances are to secure a small business loan. To do so, develop a strong business plan, approach local lenders, as well as the Small Business Administration (SBA).
Word Count 656

Debt Relief Grants : Are They Available?

If you are like millions of other Americans, you may be indebt. The economy is in trouble. For many, it appears to be spiraling out of control. Millions of Americans are losing their homes, losing their jobs, and some are unable to pay their utility bills, let alone feed their families. If debt is a problem you face, you may turn to the internet to seek help. Unfortunately, you will find a lot of inaccurate information. One piece of information you will find concerns government grants. Many websites and for sale products claim you can get debt relief grants from the government, but can you really? No. is the leading resource for finding information on government grants. The United States government operates this website. You will find detailed information free of charge. Not only can you browse and search for grants, but you can apply for them too. By visiting and browsing the website, you will see hundreds of thousands of government grants. Some grants are available to individuals, but most are designed for state and local governments, colleges and universities, school districts, small business owners, Native American governments and organizations, and non-profit organizations. The grants that do exist for individuals are usually centered around improving the community and environment. For example, you may find grants to improve and conserve water, improve the process of growing organic foods, and reduce community violence.
What you will not find available on the website is debt relief grants from the government. Since these grants do not technically exist, why do many websites and late night infomercial products claim they do? For starters, there is inaccuracy. Some individuals mistakenly believe there are government grants to pay debts. They may have seen these online or on television. They believe they are doing a good deed by spreading the word online. Unfortunately, they were likely misinformed. On the other side of the fence, you will find those who try to profit from the growing need of debt relief. Many late night infomercial products are scams. A product selling information on government grants may not necessarily be a scam, but it is a waste of money, especially if that product claims government grants will help you get out of debt.
Honestly, the only instance in which you may find debt relief grants from the government is if you are a small business owner or a non-profit organization. Once again, this is rare. Most grants serve a purpose. If your small business or non-profit organization helps the government serve this purpose, they may be willing to extend a helping hand. If your organization help families of those suffering from autism, there may be autism related grants that can help keep your business or non-profit organization afloat.
Since it is rare to find government grants to pay debt, you may feel as if you hit a roadblock. Will you ever get out of debt? Yes. How? First, take the old fashion approach of reducing your expenses and saving money. Millions of Americans waste money on junk food, beverages, expensive television and internet packages. You do not necessarily need to go without, but try to change your habits. You will start to notice increased saved money, which you can put towards your debt. Although you are indebt, some financial lenders are willing to extend debt consolidation loans to individuals like you.
Also, many government programs are designed to help qualifying individuals save money. If you are classified as a low-income individual, you may be able to receive assistance from the federal or state government for heating costs, health care, and food. If you believe you qualify for these programs, which you can determine by contacting local officials, apply. Even if you are only able to reduce your heating bill by $20 a month, it is still $240 saved by the end of the year. You can put that money towards repaying your debt.
Word Count 655